It is not uncommon for individuals to avoid thinking about growing old because it conjures up feelings of dread and anxiety as well as images of inactivity, sadness, and decline. The truth is, however, that life can remain rich, satisfying, and meaningful throughout one’s lifespan. Each life stage offers challenges, but incredible rewards as well. […]
Life Transitions
Helping Clients to Move from “Change” to “Transition”
Life is a continuum—an accumulation of experiences that makes us who we are and influences how we view ourselves and the world around us. As we review these experiences, we realize that our lives have been permeated with change, and the same is also true for our financial planning clients! In fact, as ironic as it may seem, […]
Boomers and the Meaning of Life
In terms of adult development theory, turning 50 is typically a time in life when individuals rethink the direction their lives are taking, confront their own mortality, and dare to ask themselves, “Am I really happy?” However, what distinguishes Baby Boomers from previous generations is that they wear their mid-life angst on their sleeves. […]
The 3 R’s of a Successful Retirement Transition: Resiliency, Resourcefulness, and Renaissance Spirit
Individuals and retirement planning experts alike are recognizing that a successful and satisfying retirement experience depends on more than a healthy nest egg. In fact, financial reporter John Wasik contends, “Financial security and retirement are not the two peas in the pod they used to be.”
Instead, retirement should be thought of as a major life transition that deserves thought and preparation in all areas of life. For example, one study found that it was the size of a retiree’s social network—and not the size of his or her portfolio—that had the strongest influence on life satisfaction.