MQ Educational Webinar: Marketing – Leading With Your Why

About the Webinar

One of the most frequently brought up topics amongst the MQ Community is marketing. In a financial industry where anyone can call themselves “financial advisors” and everyone claims to care deeply about their clients, how do I come up with language that will differentiate my practice? When clients have never experienced this approach or its benefits, how do I motivate them to take a chance and try something new?

In this Educational Webinar, MQ President Amy Mullen, CFP®, will discuss the psychological aspects of engaging prospects and motivating them to work with you. She will discuss mistakes often made when advisors attempt to share their “why” (from Simon Sinek’s “Start with WhyTedTalk and book) in their marketing messaging and how to imagine what you’d like your client to think, feel, and do, can lead you to fresh ideas for your website and communication.


This webinar is open to EVERYONE!

  • FREE to MQ Partners
  • $25.00 fee for Others